اتصال TCP مع خادم وعميل - ( server and client )TCP socket
import socket # Importing the socket module to create network sockets
# Defining the host and port to listen on
HOST = '' # Localhost IP address
PORT = '8080' # Port number to listen on
# Creating a socket object for the server
server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Binding the socket object to the host and port
server.bind((HOST, int(PORT)))
# Listening for incoming connections from clients, with a maximum queue of 5 clients
# Infinite loop to keep the server running
while True:
# Accepting incoming connection from client and getting the communication socket and client address
communication_socket, address = server.accept()
print(f"connected to {address}")
# Receiving data from the client and decoding it to a string using UTF-8 encoding
message = communication_socket.recv(1024).decode('utf-8')
print(f"message: {message}")
# Sending a message back to the client to acknowledge that the message was received
communication_socket.send(f"message received".encode('utf-8'))
# Closing the communication socket with the client
print(f"communication with {address} ended")
import socket # Importing the socket module to create network sockets
# Defining the host and port to connect to
HOST = '' # Localhost IP address
PORT = '8080' # Port number to connect to
# Creating a socket object for the client
client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Connecting to the server at the specified host and port
client_socket.connect((HOST, int(PORT)))
# Sending a message to the server by encoding a string to bytes using UTF-8 encoding and sending it through the socket
client_socket.send("Hello world!".encode('utf-8'))
# Receiving a response from the server by receiving up to 1024 bytes of data through the socket and decoding it to a string using UTF-8 encoding
# Closing the socket connection with the server
اتصال UDP مع خادم وعميل - ( server and client )UDP socket
# server.py
import socket
# Defining the host and port to listen on .
Host = ""
Port = 5554
# Configration Send Data .
msgFromServer = "Hello UDP Client"
data = msgFromServer.encode()
# Creating a socket object for the server .
socket_object = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_INET, type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
# Binding the socket object to the host and port .
socket_object.bind((Host , Port))
print("UDP server up and listening")
# Listen for incoming datagrams .
message , address = socket_object.recvfrom(1024) # Buffer Size .
clientMsg = f"Message from Client:{message}"
clientIP = f"Client IP Address:{address}"
# Sending a reply to client .
socket_object.sendto(data , address)
# client.py
import socket
msgFromClient = "Hello UDP Server"
data = msgFromClient.encode()
serverAddressPort = ("", 5554)
# Create a UDP socket at client side .
socket_obj = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_INET, type=socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
# Send to server using created UDP socket .
socket_obj.sendto(data, serverAddressPort)
msgFromServer = socket_obj.recvfrom(1024) # Buffer Size .
msg = f"Message from Server :{msgFromServer}"
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